£ Peter Wilkin – TheAppWhisperer

Peter Wilkin

To have someone interpret our story, to know what we've endured, experienced, sustained and to vocalise it back to us, is what we all most long for. Peter Wilkin's art meets us at this level, perhaps offering the ultimate allure, to have our own story retold to us. Yearning, moribund, caring, all brush up against each other in this selection of art, you can edge right up to it, be captivated, with another, through another, into the purest vestal from where we came. 

Wilkin's previous occupation as a psychotherapist has much to do with his understanding of our needs to be understood. His art radiates and throbs off the page, each one suggestive of another outcome, if the viewer approaches the art with inner knowledge, then they will bask in a sort of awakening, a path, on which to return and reel from the bliss.

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